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A healthcare team consists of professionals (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, nutritionist, social worker) from different domains of healthcare, and have their specialized roles in patient care. As most professional trainings are domain-based, the students rarely get a chance to interact with other healthcare professionals until their clinical practice, when they have to be responsible for patient care. Some experts believe that as there had been no prior training in how to collaborate with professionals from different domains, there could be instances of miscommunication or compromised patient care, while others think that collaborating with others can be learnt, going along the professional practice.
As a healthcare professional what are your views on the ‘need for interprofessional training” where the healthcare professionals are trained together so that they learn interprofessional skills and collaboration for better patient outcomes? Or are such trainings a waste of time, and such additions to the already packed curriculum is irrelevant? Present your views on this in about 500-1000 words. The views should be strictly your personal opinion written in your own words. (Zero Plagiarism – No participants shall submit the words, ideas, images, or data of another person as their own)
Allopathy is modern medicine and most advanced. But allopathy cures only symptoms, not the root cause of a disease. Ayurveda is ancient, has no scientific evidence base. But Ayurveda is holistic medicine, views person as a whole and not just a disease, and provides treatment for the cause and not just for the symptoms. Homeopathy is not a scientific practice, its concepts are too vague. But homeopathy cures those diseases (such as autoimmune disease) which other practices do not have cure of.
With every practice of medicine having its pros and cons, what should a patient choose and how? Does the patient has the adequate amount of information to decide which treatment to opt for? “Health Literacy” could be solution to these problems, where the patients are provided UNBIASED and COMPREHENSIVE information about the treatment options available from all possible medicine practices. Provide your views on how health literacy can help patients in informed decision-making, and make him an active participant in his healthcare. Would this health literacy empower patients to an extent where they decide what treatment they should take whether allopathy, ayurveda or others? Would this health literacy revive other medicine practice forms or decrease the monopoly of allopathy?
Present your views on this in about 500-1000 words. The views should be strictly your personal opinion written in your own words. (Zero Plagiarism – No participants shall submit the words, ideas, images, or data of another person as their own)
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For International Participant
For International Participant
For International Participant